Ó Aois Caite Irish Dance Academy
Sleep. Eat. Dance. Repeat
Come learn how to kick up your heels and dance a jig!
You are never too old or young to kick up your heels and dance!
To schedule a Free Trial Class call/text 208-230-7058 or email
Learn more about Irish dance
Irish step dancing is a lively form of dance characterized by its fast moving and intricate footwork. Visit Irish Dance 101 to learn more. If you would like to sign up for classes visit our classes page for time, days and price or feel free to contact us at 208.230.7058 or
To view directions to our studio visit the contact us page of this website. Map apps have a hard time getting folks to the studio so call if you get lost! Please park in the rear of the building.
Fall Classes run September to May with our Spring Recital May at the Rigby Middle School Auditorium.
Preschool dance class inquiries, contact Amy Hagman
Thursdays 11:30-12:15
$40 ($10 discount for students enrolled in preschool also)
-for boys and girls-
Learn a new type of dance each month.
Hip Hop
Creative movement